
Top Rated Chiropractic Hypnotherapy Doctor in Franklin, TN

Dr. Theo Kousouli

Photo of Dr. Theo Kousouli Chiropractor Hypnotherapist seated at his white office desk with diplomas in the background. He is facing to his right, smiling, wearing blue scrubs with a stethoscope over his neck and holding an adult spine model in his left hand.

All the glory belongs to God.


My calling as a healing guide emerged from the depths of my own trials, which were transformed into triumph through divine intervention and dedicated personal work. These experiences have instilled in me a profound mission; to use my gifts and experience to lead others towards their own inner peace and connection with their Creator.


I specialize in assisting clients in uncovering the root causes of their neural and emotional distress, which often manifest as mental, physical, and spiritual pain. Whether rooted in early parental programming or recent traumatic events, these issues can be elusive to conventional Western healing methods, which often only skim the surface. 


My unique blend of neural-emotional expertise and theological understanding enables me to offer therapeutic support that transcends conventional approaches. I am a practicing Chiropractor with over 20 years of clinical experience, licensed by the Tennessee Chiropractic Board of Examiners. I am also certified as a master hypnotherapist from the American Board of Hypnotherapy and a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists. Currently, I am furthering my spiritual journey through a Master’s in Divinity at the Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, laying the groundwork towards priesthood. 


Since 2004, I’ve been honored to serve clients worldwide through online therapy, establishing physical locations in Georgia, California, Tennessee, and now Massachusetts. With over two decades of clinical experience, I approach healing from a holistic perspective, addressing spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical well-being differently from other practitioners. 

At the heart of my practice lies The Kousouli® Method and Kousouli Neural Emotive Reprogramming, or K-NER®, which are innovative approaches rooted in ancient wisdom and personalized to each individual. These methods draw from a range of techniques, including muscle testing, applied kinesiology, hypnotherapy, chiropractic neurology, prayer, spiritual counseling and intuition. Together, these modalities facilitate a transformative mind-body-soul experience true to each individual. 

K-NER® specifically addresses both past traumas and daily struggles that contribute to self-inflicted negativity due to unlearned lessons. By identifying and addressing these underlying issues, K-NER® empowers individuals to break free from negative patterns and embrace positive transformation. Clients have reported profound shifts not only in physical ailments but also in deep-seated emotional issues, such as grief, self-loathing, and existential confusion. 

In addition to my clinical work, I am an author with nine published books on health and the prosperity mindset, with a tenth in progress. I have had the privilege of sharing my insights and methods with fellow health experts on the grounds of prestigious institutions like Harvard University, emphasizing the crucial role of neural-emotional healing. 

My commitment to mentoring extends beyond my practice through podcasts, workshops, and seminars conducted under the BE A MASTER® program. Through these initiatives, I seek to empower individuals to unlock their innate potential for healing, growth and self-mastery. 

I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to walk alongside my clients on their healing journeys, offering guidance, support, and transformative tools every step of the way. Together, we can unveil the path to wholeness and fulfillment, one step at a time. 


Please note: My past success is built on a unique approach which allows me to see and work with clients through a different lens than the traditional medical system. I am not a medical doctor or psychologist. If you require medical or psychological diagnosis and counseling, I highly encourage you to seek guidance from qualified practitioners in those fields.  

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