
Top Rated Chiropractic Hypnotherapy Doctor in Franklin, TN

Kousouli Neural-Emotive Reprogramming (K-NER)

A Breakthrough Approach to Resolving Deep-Rooted Stress

chiropractor hypnotherapist Dr. Theo Kousouli is in greyish black scrubs standing in front of a patient who is seated extending her left arm out and has her eyes closed. Dr. Kousouli is holding her right wrist with his right hand and pointing to her heart. She is partaking in Kousouli Neural-Emotive Reprogramming (K-NER) which is a comprehensive and personalized therapy created by Dr. Theo Kousouli for neutralizing negative neural stress.

K-NER, our exclusive service, is a transformative journey composed of ten intricately designed sessions that utilize the profound benefits of hypnotherapy from an auric bio-field perspective. This specialized approach is finely honed to help you navigate and resolve areas of stress, emotional blockages, and relational challenges extending from birth to the present day. These aspects have a profound impact on both your personal and professional life. Under the expert guidance of Dr. Kousouli, K-NER empowers you to revisit and resolve past experiences, freeing yourself from the constraints of emotional burdens. With each session building upon the last, K-NER nurtures a progressive and deeply liberating process that acts as your gateway to embracing life with renewed clarity, vitality, and freedom.


Kousouli Neural-Emotive Reprogramming in Action

KNER Timeline Therapy Meets Regression Hypnosis

Integrating the Past for a Better Future

At our center, we’ve observed a remarkable synergy between Kousouli Neural-Emotive Reprogramming (KNER) timeline therapy and regression hypnotherapy. Many of our patients have found that by first experiencing KNER, they can better prepare themselves for the profound journey of regression hypnotherapy. KNER helps individuals uncover and address emotional blockages, clear past traumas, and attain a heightened state of emotional balance. This preparatory work with KNER not only sets the stage for a more profound regression experience but also leads to deeper, more transformative results. Patients often report increased clarity, improved recall, and a greater sense of emotional release when they choose to combine these two powerful therapies.

Beginning New Care

Our services have been a source of support and transformation for individuals facing a wide range of challenges. Many clients have turned to us to address relationship issues, seeking guidance and emotional healing. Others have sought our help in overcoming work-related stress and career obstacles. Writers have found relief from creative blocks and enhanced inspiration through our therapies. Our expertise has also aided those battling various fears and phobias, as well as individuals dealing with persistent feelings of sadness and emotional distress. Additionally, we’ve worked with clients to alleviate physical ailments by addressing their emotional and mental well-being, promoting holistic healing.


Becoming a client for hypnosis and Kousouli Neural-Emotive Reprogramming (KNER) therapy at our office is a straightforward and accessible process. Whether you prefer in-person sessions at our physical location or the convenience of online therapy, we’re here to cater to your needs. To get started, simply call (615) 435-3643 to schedule a free complimentary consultation to discuss your needs.

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